Common Growth Removals For Dogs and Cats

Cat with medical cone post surgery

Englishtown Pet MD and our mobile clinic, Mobile Met MD, offer comprehensive care and expertise for your furry companions. With a deep understanding of the distress pet owners face when they find an unusual growth on their pet, we’re well-equipped to address these concerns with compassion and proficiency. 


The Groove That Soothes: Music Therapy for Pets

A beagle wearing headphones

Music has long been known to affect our emotions. Whether we need energizing and happy sounds or soothing and relaxing ones, music has the power to change how we feel, emotionally and physically. This is also true for our cat and dog friends. 

Pets with separation anxiety and phobia, as well as those with behavior issues have been benefited by this noteworthy form of therapy. If you have always wanted to know how music therapy can help your four-legged pal, you have come to the right place. Mobile Vet MD is here to explain.


No Laughing Matter: Pain in Pets

Pain in pets can affect your pet's quality of life and can be easily treated by a mobile veterinarian.

We all know how debilitating pain can be, and it’s no different for our pets. However, when symptoms of pain in pets range from obvious to barely discernible, even the most attentive owner can remain in the dark.

In the wild, animals who show signs of pain are a target for predators. As a result, they’ve developed a natural instinct to mask symptoms in order to make themselves appear less vulnerable. This begs the question: how can you identify and manage pain in pets?  


Our Mobile Vet Clinic: Putting Pets First

A cute dachshund puppyAnyone who has ever transported a terrified dog or an angry, yowling cat to the veterinarian can attest to the high level of stress and discomfort experienced by both pet and owner. With the extreme anxiety that many pets experience when bombarded by the unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells of a veterinary clinic, even a routine wellness exam can become quite an ordeal.

That’s where Mobile Vet M.D. comes in! We deliver compassionate, state-of-the-art veterinary care right to your door. Whether you’re already one of our beloved clients, or are new to the idea, we’re excited to share with you all the ways in which utilizing a mobile vet clinic can improve your pet’s life!
